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Who is EuroPassport?


McKenzie is partnered with EuroPassport as part of a network of trusted lawyers across Europe who assist in checking eligibility

and submission of applications for European citizenship and passports.


Any EU member country citizenship will enable you to exercise rights of freedom of movement across the European Union ("EU") and

European Economic Area ("EEA") following the UK's departure from the EU ("Brexit").  


There are a number of ways that you might acquire such citizenship.  For instance, many nationals of countries of North and South America

with ancestry from any of the EU member countries such as Portugal, Italy, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Greece, etc. may be able to acquire

the citizenship by descent of those countries. Similarly, people with ancestry from Northern Ireland or the Irish Republic might be entitled

to acquire citizenship of the Republic of Ireland.  There are also many other ways that you may acquire EU citizenship.


If you wish to explore whether you may be entitled to this, we will be able to put you in touch with our colleagues at EuroPassport in order

to assist you:


Who is EuroPassport?

Toronto-based EuroPassport Inc. is the first online company that helps people expedite the process of obtaining European citizenship.  You

do not however have to be Canadian or resident in Canada for them to be able to assist you.

Their documentation and legal experts cut through the red tape and high legal costs, assisting individuals by locating relevant,

hard-to-find documents required for EU citizenship and passport applications.

Whether you need this for work, study, or as a legacy for your family, their experts will help you navigate the thorny path to approval,

ensuring nothing is left out, and no errors are made that might sabotage your success.












Tel: 07901 558 466







Tel: 07901 558 466


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website photo Irish ppt_edited.jpg

Because Kevin and his team pride themselves on being up-to-date, and (to make life simpler for you)
offer a service specific to your situation and needs, you will not find published on this website the usual (often soon, or already, out-of-date) articles, case studies, or lists of immigration sub-categories - all of which can be unhelpful – even positively dangerous – for a legally unqualified person


Northern Ireland in Ireland, the UK and Europe

(This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unportedlicense.)

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website photo s america.jpg

South America (orthographic projection)

(This file is licensed under the Creative CommonsAttribution 3.0 Unported license.)

Portrait by Rembrandt's studio, c 1656, now believed to be of the famous philosopher Spinoza, whose recent ancestors fled Portugal to settle in the Netherlands as part of the Portuguese Jewish diaspora.


A little-known potential way of acquiring EU (Portuguese or Spanish) citizenship:


The Portuguese government may grant Portuguese nationality through naturalisation to the descendants of Portuguese Sephardic Jews who were expelled from Portugal and Spain in the 15th century. This measure was approved by the Organic Law No. 1/2013 of 29 July.


(The Spanish government introduced similar provisions, bur these are no longer operative.)

website photo spinoza_edited.jpg
website photo spanish ppt_edited_edited.






Tel: 07901 558 466






We are able to give you up-to-date Coronavirus (Covid-19) advice, appropriate to your circumstances, for UK visa applicants (whether inside or outside the UK), temporary UK residents and British nationals overseas who need to apply for visas, further leave to remain, or passports, who are affected by travel restrictions or other problems associated with coronavirus


Other recent developments:

France suspends rule denying British residents of other EU countries transit

Brexit: How has pet travel to EU countries been affected?


UK ministers eager to ease immigration rules for Indian citizens:



News regarding Home Office policy with regard to the 29 March 2022 deadline for Surinder Singh-based family relocation applications - family permits under the EU Settlement Scheme:


Investor category now withdrawn for new entrants (February 2023) (further leave applications, settlement applications, and applications by family members to join main applicant still possible):


Care Workers have been added to the Shortage Occupation List (effective 16.2.22), as a sub-category of the Skilled Worker visa category.  This means that Care Workers applying for a Health and Care Worker visa will benefit from relaxed eligibility criteria.  This includes a lower minimum salary requirement: they will now have to earn at least £20,480 in order to qualify.  Care Workers will remain on the Shortage Occupation list for 12 months (provisions for this since renewed, in February 2023)


Ministers ‘looking seriously’ at changing rules that exclude young Hong Kongers from BNO scheme

Ministers ‘looking seriously’ at changing rules that exclude young Hong Kongers | The Independent


UK expected to ease visa restrictions for Ukrainians fleeing war



28.2.2022  UK could expand revised visa rules for Ukrainians after criticism

Subsequent Home Office guidance said the visas were available only to spouses, unmarried partners of at least two years, parents or their children if one is under 18, or adult relatives who are also carers.


28.2.2022  Ukraine invasion: Extra 100,000 people will be able to seek sanctuary in UK, Priti Patel announces | Politics News | Sky News


1.03.2022  UK to relax visa rules for extended family of Ukrainians in Britain


8.3.2022  Prevailing situation at various visa centres in Europe


8.3.2022  Boris Johnson creates new minister to deal with Ukrainian refugee crisis

"The Home Office is currently trying to expand its operations in cities near the Ukrainian border to process applicants. Hundreds of people seeking help are already in Calais but have been asked to apply from Paris or Brussels.

The department is understood to have accepted dozens of staff from HMRC to help with the current crisis and is training more people to deal with visa applications.

By Wednesday, the Home Office plans to have opened a new office in Lille, 75 miles away from Calais, which can process visa applications from Ukrainians who have travelled to the port. It is also examining funding a travel service from Calais to Lille."


9.3.2022  “About 760 visas have been granted under the Ukraine Family Scheme, Mr Shapps said, with 22,000 applications "on their way through".

"Ukraine war: Visas a shambles, Brits with Ukrainian family say"


14.3.2022  The new Humanitarian Sponsorship category now operational

How to sponsor Ukrainian refugees and offer them a UK home


March 2022  ECJ rules that EU citizens living in the UK before Brexit never needed private health insurance

("comprehensive sickness insurance")


March 2022 Statement of Changes to the Immigration Rules brings in new work visas - Global Business Mobility

("GBM"), High Potential Individual, & Scale-Up; changes made to rules re private & family life-based applications


6.4.2022  Proposed changes to student rules:


6.4.2022  Digital immigration status checks with right to work and rent, replacing the use of biometric residence

permits, enters into force


11.4.2022  Global Business Mobility ("GBM") visa launches - largely replaces Representative of an Overseas Business



News article 24.4.2022 with guidance as to how to urgently renew British passports


April 2022 Fee increases for immigration and nationality applications


3.5.2022 Ukraine Extension Scheme opens as part of the Ukraine Scheme, to allow those already in the UK to switch or extend their leave to remain, for a period of 36 months


30.5.2022 High Potential Individual visa category opens:

"The High Potential Individual (HPI) route is a short-term work visa for individuals at an early career stage, who have shown they have potential to benefit the UK workforce.

From 30 May 2022, you can apply for the HPI route if you have graduated from an eligible international university in the 5 years immediately before your application."


Visa scheme for graduates from top 50 non-UK universities is launched


May 2022  Entry into force of Nationality and Borders Act 2022 and Rwanda offshoring plans


May 2022 Statement of Changes to the Immigration Rules, following the passage of the Nationality and Borders Act 2022,

including to facilitate removals to Rwanda - key provisions to come into force 28 June 2022


May 2022  ECJ case on which Palestinian refugees are entitled to refugee status


June 2022  Updated Home Office information published regarding special immigration schemes for Ukrainians (including

Ukraine Extension Scheme)


June 2022  No change made to settlement rules for Zambrano carers, despite the judgment in Akinsaya - so EU Settlement

Scheme remains unavailable as a fast-track to permanent residence for them.  (However, as at April 2023, Celik now pending in the Court of Appeal)


13.6.2022 Afghan Citizenship Resettlement Scheme launched


28.6.2022  New provisions (Section 4L British Nationality Act 1981) of nationality law introduced to expand the 

possibilities for claiming British Citizenship through a grandparent


July 2022  New Home Office guidance published regarding entry clearance fee waiver policy for family visas


July 2022  Revised Home Office guidance published confirming comprehensive sickness insurance no longer

an issue in British Citizenship applications


July 2022  New Home Office policy on when Caseworkers should offer extensions of permission to stay to people who don't

qualify for settlement


July 2022  Statement of Changes to the Immigration Rules (HC 511) on unaccompanied Ukrainian children


July 2022  New Home Office guidance re external medico-legal reports


August 2022  Upper Tribunal decision in Celik and Batool: no human rights in EU Settled Status appeals, unless the 

Home Office consents.  (However, as at April 2023, Celik now pending in the Court of Appeal.)


September 2022  Updated Home Office guidance published regarding the Ukraine in-country visa extension scheme


October 2022  Updated Home Office guidance published regarding the good character requirements for naturalisation


October 2022  New right to work check methods introduced for all employees, following the end of the pandemic


October 2022  ECJ decision on age-assessment processes for asylum-seeking children 


October 2022 Statement of Changes to the Immigration Rules, containing updates to Appendix EU and Ukraine Scheme

- effective 9.11.2022


October 2022  New Appendix Temporary Permission to Stay for Victims of Human Trafficking or Slavery  to be added to the 

Immigration Rules


November 2022  Home Office response to ECJ regarding case law re NHS and comprehensive sickness insurance for EEA nationals


November 2022  Updated Sponsor guidance provisions impacting working hours, pay, and start dates for businesses

sponsoring overseas workers


November 2022  Change to indefinite leave to remain ("ILR") eligibility requirements for people granted refugee status

or humanitarian protection


November 2022 Upper Tribunal decision re Elias involving durable partners


December 2022  Tribunal judges now to be addressed orally as "Judge", and no longer as "Sir", "Madam" or Ma'am"


December 2022  Immigration Skills Surcharge regulations amended to add new exemptions


December 2022  Home Office Country policy guidance notes for Albania updated


January 2023  The High Court has granted permission to appeal in the Rwanda challenges


February 2023  Tech Nation, the endorsing body for digital technology applications under the Global Talent routes, to cease operations on 31.3,23


February 2023  New Home Office policy guidance published on temporary permission to stay for victims of trafficking and slavery


28.2.23  India Young Professionals Scheme: initial ballot system opens, with 2400 visas initially available


March 2023  Kulumbegar v Home Office [2023] EWHC 337 (KB): loss of work may engage an article 8 human rights claim


March 2023  Minimum salary requirement for most categories of Skilled Workers increased from £25,600 to £26,200 - changes effective on 12.4.2023


9.3.2023  Statement of Changes to the Immigration Rules (HC 1160) - includes: Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) Scheme, a new innovator route, and changes to employment and non-employment 


March 2023  Appendix Temporary Work - Government Authorised Exchange Scheme route - work experience, internship and other supernumerary work options, using a third party sponsor 


April 2023  The High Court has ruled that the Government's second attempt to produce an immigration exemption to Data Protections Act 2018 is still incompatible with UK General Data Protection Regulations


April 2023  The Home Office is taking steps to protect British Citizenship rights for people born to EU Citizens between 1.1.1983 and 1.10.2000


6.4.2023  The Home Office, having suspended this in the wake of the Windrush scandal, resumed data sharing with

the financial sector, requiring the reporting by banks of those found present in the UK with no legal immigration status - whereby the Home Office can require the closure of their bank accounts.


12.4.2023  Amendment confirming implementation of protection of British Citizenship rights for children born to EU Citizens between 1.1.1983 and 1.10.2000


13.4.2023 Launch of the new Innovator Visa Founder route - for entrepreneurs looking to establish an innovative, viable, and scalable business in the UK


27.4.2023 New sponsor obligations for reporting hybrid working patterns (subsequently revoked - see 18.5.2023 post)


4.5.2023 Two new Hong Kong British National Overseas visa concessions published


12.5.2023 New guidance published on deprivation of British Citizenship (under Section 40, British Nationality Act 1981)


22.5.2023 Guidance given by the Upper Tribunal on the above


18.5.2023 Reversal of new Home Office policy on reporting hybrid working (see 27.4.2023 post)


30.5.2023 The Court of Appeal provides further guidance on "unduly harsh" test for deportation


31.5.2023 Unpublished Home Office policy on NHS debts declared unlawful


5.6.2023 Amendments to the Illegal Migration Bill made at the committee stage


27.6.202 Justice secretary confirms that the government will not proceed with the Bill of Rights Bill - ending weeks of speculation about its potential demise


29.6.2023 Link to judgment summary for the Court of Appeal's decision today in the Rwanda deportation appeals:


29.6.2023  British Nationality (Regularisation of Past Practice) Act 2023 becomes law.  It confirms British nationality status for all children born in the UK between 1st January 1983 and 1st October 2000 to an EU citizen parent who was exercising free movement in the UK at the time of their child’s birth


June 2023  The discontinued Investor visa category - Supreme Court finds "golden visa" scheme unlawful


July 2023  Supreme Court upholds lawfulness of exclusion of Palestinians from resettlement scheme


July 2023 R (on the application of Ali) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2023] EWHC 1615 (Admin):the EU Settlement Scheme accurately reflects the Withdrawal Agreement between the UK and the European Union in specifying that the child of an EU national is only entitled to stay in the UK after Brexit if they are under 21 or dependent on their parent


July 2023  The UK Government announced the intention to make a significant increase to both application fees and the immigration health surcharge


July 2023  Rexhaj (extended family members: assumed dependency) [2023] UKUT 00161 (IAC): Upper Tribunal holds that If applying before 30 June 2021, the parent of an EU national or of their spouse could obtain entry clearance as a dependent parent without needing to prove they were dependent.  This does not extend to when applying for further leave at the end of the 6 months.


July 2023  Illegal Migration Act 2023 becomes law - not all of its regulations in force yet


17.7.2023  Statement of Changes (HC 1496) to the Immigration Rules, dealing with EU Settlement Scheme, abuse of immigration rules, implied withdrawal of Asylum claims, and humanitarian protection claims, restrictions on students


19.7.2023  Dominica, Honduras, Namibia, Timor-Leste & Vanuatu to the visa nationals list (countries whose nationals require a visa to travel to the UK as a visitor)


July 2023  R (on the application of Tazeem) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2023] EWHC 1828 (Admin): High Court emphasises the need for procedural fairness by UK Border Control


July 2023  Osunneye (Zambrano, transitional appeal rights) Nigeria [2023] UKUT 162 (IAC):  Upper Tribunal holds that appeals based on the case of Zambrano can proceed despite various Brexit regulations. 


July 2023  Ahmed v SSHD [2023] UKUT 00165 (IAC): guidance by the Upper Tribunal on the meaning of "historical injustice"


July 2023  Celik v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2023] EWCA Civ 921: Court of Appeal holds that individuals who married EU nationals in the UK after 31 December 2020 are not entitled to be granted immigration status under the EU Settlement Scheme, unless they previously held or applied for an EEA residence card or family permit as their durable partner.  (The position of those who had lawful leave in the UK by that date on a different basis is unclear)


September 2023  Statement of Changes (HC 1780) to the Immigration Rules, removing the availability of administrative review for decisions made under the EU Settlement Scheme; changes to tuberculosis testing; changes to applications involving children


September 2023  New application fees from 4th October 2023 published


September 2023  Illegal Migration Act 2023 (Commencement No. 1) Regulations 2023: detention powers to be expanded when further provisions of the Illegal Migration Act 2023 come into force on 28th September 2023



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